Weather in Shoreham – June 2020

Dry, and at times, Warm


The average maximum temperature during June 2020 in Shoreham was 21.2 Celsius (70F), and that was close to normal for the time of year.  The average minimum temperature was 13.0 Celsius (55F), and that was also around the June average.    

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 31.5 Celsius (89F) on the 24th, but the following day was only 0.4 Celsius (<1F) less warm. There were only 3 other days when the temperature rose above 25 Celsius (77F), the 1st, 2nd and 23rd, with the highest temperature 27.7 Celsius (82F) occurring on the 2nd. A further 9 days had maxima above 20 Celsius (68F), including 5 consecutive days commencing on the 13th. A few cool days occurred, and on 5 occasions the temperature failed to rise above 18 Celsius (64F). The coolest day was the 6th with a high of 14.2 Celsius (58F), but the temperature only reached 15.6 Celsius (60F) on the 10th, with 16.6 Celsius (62F) recorded on the 30th.

Warm nights occurred during June, but minimum temperatures above 15 Celsius (59F) were confined to the last week of the month. In fact, 4 consecutive nights, beginning on the 24th, had minima above 15 Celsius, including lows of 20.1 Celsius (68F) on the 25th, and 19.1 Celsius (66F) on the 26th. Several cool nights occurred during June, but of the 11 nights with minima below 12 Celsius (54F), only 3 occurred after mid month. Just 3 of these cooler nights had lows under 10 Celsius (50F). On both the 6th and 7th minima of 7.6 Celsius (46F) occurred, with 9.1 Celsius (48F) measured on the 22nd.

The sea temperature was around 15 Celsius (59F) at the beginning of June, but for most of the month it was around 17 Celsius (63F).


No frost occurred during June. The lowest grass temperature was 2.8 Celsius (37F) on the 7th.   


Rainfall in June amounted to 20.8 millimetres (0.8 ins.). This was about 40% below average for the month. There were 13 days of measurable rain, and that was 4 days above average.  Although rain returned in June on a regular basis, it was always too light to soak into the ground and the grass remained brown. The first measurable rain for 30 days fell on the 3rd, but the total was only 0.8 millimetres (0.03 ins.). Rain fell again on the 6th, and the 7th was the second wettest day of the month. However, only 2.6 millimetres (0.1 ins.) were recorded. Another 2 millimetres (0.08 ins.) fell on the 10th, with the same amount falling on the 12th. Less than 2 millimetres (0.08 ins.) was measured on 4 occasions between the 13th and 25th, but 2.4 millimetres (0.1 ins.) fell on the 26th. Both the 27th and 29th had a little rain, but the last day of the month was the wettest with the rain-gauge collecting 3.2 millimetres (0.13 ins.).


No hail was observed in this part of Shoreham during June.


There was distant thunder, mainly to the north and east, in the early hours of the 26th.


No sleet or snow fell during June. 


West to southwesterly winds were dominant during June, accounting for almost half the daily observations. A few rather cool breezes from between northwest and northeast occurred during the first couple of weeks of June, and warm east to southeasterly breezes blew at the beginning of the last week of the month. Fresh or strong southwesterly sea breezes spoilt many afternoons during June, although the strong winds were often accompanied by sunny skies as shower clouds were pushed well inland. At Shoreham Airport, southwesterly gusts reached 32 knots (36 mph) on the afternoon of the 6th, and 35 knots (40 mph) on the 27th, but in between there were several afternoons with gusts in the range 25 to 30 knots (29-34 mph). There were many gusts of 35 knots (40 mph) in the afternoon and evening of the 28th, with 37 knots (42 mph) from the southwest again, on the afternoon of the 29th.    


There was no fog observed in this part of Shoreham during June, but sea mist occurred from late morning until mid afternoon on the 26th, and this reduced visibility to within fog limits close to the beach and over the Downs..

Statistics for June 2020

Reporting StationHighest TempLowest TempRain Total (mm)WettestRain days
Shoreham Airport29.55.525713
Thorney Island29.87.5351413
Gatwick A/P32.36.5511415
Bournemouth (Hurn)31.34.2601718
Middle Wallop32.15.652717