Weather in Shoreham – November 2020

Very mild and Changeable


The average maximum temperature during November 2020 in Shoreham was 12.7 Celsius (55F), and that was about 1.5 Celsius (<3F) above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 8.8 Celsius (48F), and that was almost 3 Celsius (4.5F) above the November normal. Overall, it was the mildest November in Shoreham for 9 years.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 16.1 Celsius (61F) on the 1st, but there were 3 other days when the temperature rose above 15 Celsius (59F), the 2nd, 8th and 9th; with a further 5 days having maxima above 14 Celsius (57F). All of these milder days occurred during the first 18 days of the month. Only 4 days during November had maximum temperatures below 10 Celsius (50F), with 3 of these cooler days occurring during the last 5 days of the month. On the 26th a high of 8.0 Celsius (46F) was recorded, but the coolest day was the 5th when the temperature only reached 7.6 Celsius (46F).

Many mild nights occurred during November, and on 15 nights the temperature stayed above 10 Celsius (50F). The mildest night was the 2nd when a low of 14.8 Celsius (59F) was recorded. This appears to have been the mildest November night in Shoreham for more than 55 years. No other nights had minimum temperatures above 13 Celsius (55F), but on 5 nights the temperature remained at 12.0 Celsius (54F) or higher. The last of these mildest nights occurred on the 17th when 12.0 Celsius (54F) was recorded. For a late autumn month, the number of cold nights was unusually low. Minimum temperatures below 5 Celsius (41F) were recorded on only 4 occasions, with just 3 of these nights having lows under 4 Celsius (39F). On the 4th and 5th minima of 2.4 Celsius (36F) and 1.6 Celsius (35F) respectively occurred, but the coldest night was the 20th when 0.9 Celsius (34F) was measured.

The sea temperature was around 13 or 14 Celsius (55-57F) at the beginning of November, falling slowly to 11 or 12 Celsius (52-54F) by the end of the month.


No air frost occurred during November, but there were 3 grass frosts. The 4th and 5th both had slight grass frosts, but the lowest temperature on the ground occurred on the 20th with a low of minus 2.2 Celsius (28F).   


Rainfall in November amounted to 66.6 millimetres (2.6 ins.). This was around 10% below the monthly average. Rain fell on 18 days, which is 1 day above average, but wet days (when 1 millimetre (0.04 ins.) or more of rain falls) numbered only 9 days, and that was 4 days below average. The month began with outbreaks of rain and drizzle, and a total for the day of 4.2 millimetres (0.17 ins.). A little rain occurred on the 2nd, but no measurable rain fell on the following 5 days. Light rain and drizzle occurred on the 8th, but showers, or longer spells of rain, gave 8.6 millimetres (0.34 ins.). The weather remained unsettled, and a further 6.6 millimetres (0.26 ins.) occurred on the 11th. Rain fell for much of the day on the 14th, but torrential rain overnight led to a total of 29.8 millimetres (1.17 ins.) for the rainfall day (0900-0900 UTC). Another 6 millimetres (0.24 ins.) fell on the 15th, but then pressure built and rainfall totals became much lower. Between the 16th and the end of the month, only 7.2 millimetres (0.3 ins.) of rain fell, with the highest daily total of 3.4 millimetres (0.13 ins.) falling on the 20th. Even though the rainfall total for the second half of November was low, there were only 4 completely dry days.


Small hail fell in showers on the afternoon of the 15th.


Thunder occurred early and late in the afternoon on the 15th, but in total there were only 3 rumbles.


No sleet or snow fell during November. 


Less southwesterly winds than usual occurred during November, with these accounting for less than a third of daily observations. Northwesterly winds had a similar share, with southeasterly breezes also occurring on several days. Pressure was well above average during the second and fourth weeks of the month and winds were generally light, but during the remainder of November it was more cyclonic and occasionally stormy. At Shoreham Airport, the beginning of the month was windy with southwesterly gusts reaching 36 knots (41 mph) on the morning of the 1st, 38 knots (43 mph) in the early hours of the 2nd, and 44 knots (50 mph) around dawn on the 3rd. The evening of the 11th was windy with southerly gusts reaching 35 knots (40 mph). South to southwesterly winds were strong through much of the 14th and 15th. Gusts reached 34 knots (39 mph) on the evening of the 14th and 47 knots (54 mph) on the afternoon of the 15th. Southwesterly gusts reached 31 knots (35 mph) overnight on the 19th with no further gusts above 30 knots (34 mph) during the rest of the month.    


There was fog for much of the day on the 5th, but it was thickest towards the river with this part of Shoreham having the sun shining through the fog. There was also fog for a while overnight on the 11th.

Statistics for November 2020

Reporting StationHighest TempLowest TempRain Total (mm)WettestRain days
Shoreham A/P16.3-0.6523022
Thorney Island16.30.2723420
Gatwick A/P16.5-2.0693021
Bournemouth (Hurn)16.4-2.1642122
Middle Wallop16.5-0.7672122