Weather in Shoreham – May 2022

Wet and Rather Warm at times


The average maximum temperature during May 2022 in Shoreham was 18.2 Celsius (65F), and that was normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 9.8 Celsius (50F), and that was almost 1 degree Celsius (<2F) above the May average.

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 23.7 Celsius (75F) on the 17th, but 22.1 Celsius (72F) occurred on the 27th, and 20 Celsius (68F) was also exceeded on the 8th, 15th, 18th and 22nd. On most days (19) the maximum temperatures were between 16 and 19 Celsius (61-66F), but there were 2 cooler days. On the 11th, the temperature only rose to 15.8 Celsius (60F), but the lowest maximum was on the 1st, when 14.7 Celsius (58F) was measured.

There were no warm nights during May, but a minimum of 14.0 Celsius (57F) occurred on the 19th, and 13.9 Celsius (57F) was recorded on the 27th. The 10th and 16th also had minima above 13 Celsius (55F). A combination of brisk breezes and cloud cover often prevented night-time temperatures from falling significantly. As a result, a further 11 nights had minimum temperatures above 10 Celsius (50F), and only 8 nights had minima below 8 Celsius (46F). The coolest night was the 9th with a minimum temperature of 5.9 Celsius (43F). 

The sea temperature rose slowly from 12 Celsius (54F) at the beginning of May, to 15 Celsius (59F) at the end of the month.




There was no frost in Shoreham during May. The lowest grass temperature was 2.2 Celsius (36F) on both the 9th and 12th. 




Rainfall in May amounted to 51.4 millimetres (2 ins.), which was around 50% above average for the month. Measurable rain fell on 16 days, which was 6 days above the average, and wet days (when 1 millimetre (0.04 ins.), or more, of rain falls) numbered 11, and that was 4 days above the average. The month was changeable at first, with rain measured on 3 out of the first 4 days. However, the highest daily total was only 2.2 millimetres (0.09 ins.), this occurring on the 3rd. Between the 5th and 13th a mere 0.2 millimetres (0.1 ins.) of rain fell, and although 2.8 millimetres (0.11 ins.) of rain were measured on the 15th, the first half of May yielded just 9 millimetres (0.35 ins.) of rain. There was only 1 completely dry day between the 14th and 24th, and some of the rain was heavy. On the 18th, 9 millimetres (0.36 ins.) of rain fell, with 5.6 millimetres (0.22 ins.) and 6 millimetres (0.24 ins.) measured on the 19th and 20th respectively. Daily totals above 3 millimetres (0.12 ins.) occurred on both the 22nd and 24th, and the month ended on a wet note with 5.8 millimetres (0.23 ins.) and 7.4 millimetres (0.29 ins.) falling on the 30th and 31st respectively.  




No hail was observed in this part of Shoreham.




Thunderstorms occurred on 3 days during May. On the 15th, there was 1 rumble of thunder towards the northwest early in the evening. On the 18th, frequent, and often vivid, lightning accompanied the late evening storms. There were 3 ground strikes close to Buckingham Park. The last thunder from the storms was heard at 2355 UTC.  The final day with thunder was the 24th,  when early afternoon showers produced several claps of thunder.




No sleet or snow occurred in Shoreham.




Pressure was higher than average across southern Britain, but with the centres usually positioned to the south of the country, it meant winds were predominantly from between southwest and northwest, with breezes from these quadrants accounting for more than two thirds of the daily readings. Although there were no particularly strong winds, sea breeze enhancement gave several cool and blustery afternoons. At Shoreham Airport, southwesterly winds gusted to 34 knots (39 mph) late in the afternoon on the 11th, and gusts of 33 knots (38 mph) occurred on the afternoon of the 25th. Although no further gusts above 30 knots (34 mph) occurred, several further afternoons in May had southwesterly gusts between 25 and 30 knots (29-33 mph).      




No fog was observed in this part of Shoreham.


Statistics for May 2022


Reporting Site Highest Temp Lowest Temp Rain Total (mm) Wettest Rain days
Shoreham A/P 22.3 1.9 44 10 16
Thorney Island 21.7 5.0 48 13 9
Gatwick A/P 25.8 2.7 101 53 13
Herstmonceux 24.9 4.3 89 34 14
Bournemouth (Hurn) 22.1 2.7 52 16 12
Middle Wallop 22.8 5.1 46 13 13
Dieppe 28.4 5.0 33 10 15