Weather in Shoreham -November 2023

                                                    Very Wet and Windy


The average maximum temperature during November 2023 in Shoreham was 11.7 Celsius (53F), and that was very slightly below normal for the time of year.  The  average minimum temperature was 6.5 Celsius (44F), and that  was also less than 0.5 Celsius (<1F) below the November average.  

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 14.9 Celsius (59F) on the 13th, but 14.5 Celsius (58F)  occurred on the 1st, and maxima exceeded 14.0  Celsius (57F) on a further 5 days. The last of these very mild days was on the 19th when the temperature peaked at 14.2  Celsius (58F).  The majority of days (16) had highs ranging from 10 to 14 Celsius (50-57F), but there were several cooler days, mainly towards the end of the month. Of the 7 days having maxima below 10 Celsius (50F), only 1, the 10th, which had a high of 9.8 Celsius (50F),  occurred before mid-month.  Five of these cooler days occurred during the last week of November, with only 2 of these days having maxima below 7 Celsius (45F). On the 25th the temperature peaked at 6.2 Celsius (43F), but on the 30th, the temperature only reached 4.7 Celsius  (40F). 

There were no particularly mild nights during November, but the temperature stayed above 10 Celsius (50F) on 4 nights, including 3 nights with minima above 12 Celsius (54F). A low of 12.3 Celsius (54F) occurred on the first night of the month, with minima of 12.6 Celsius (55F) and 12.4 Celsius (54F) on the 14th and 18th respectively. On most nights (20) the temperature ranged between 4 and 10 Celsius (39-50F), but there were several colder nights, especially towards the end of the month. The lowest temperature during the first 24 days of November was 2.9 Celsius (37F) on the 11th, but 4 out of the last 6 days of the month had minima below 2 Celsius (36F). The 25th had a minimum of minus 0.5 Celsius (31F), but the following night was the coldest of the month with a low of minus 1 Celsius (30F).  

The sea temperature was around 16 Celsius (61F) at the beginning of November and slowly fell to 14 Celsius (57F) by the end of the third week. However, a sharper decline then ensued with 10 or 11 Celsius (50-52F) measured at the end of the month.




There were 2 air frosts during November, and that was 1 above average. A total of 8 ground frosts  occurred, and that was 2 above average . Most grass frosts were very slight with lowest temperatures ranging from minus 0.6 Celsius and minus 1.1 Celsius (30-31F). However, on the 25th and 26th grass minima were minus 3.9 Celsius and minus 4.4 Celsius (24-25F) respectively. 




Rainfall in November amounted to 173.8 millimetres (6.8 ins.),  which was around 80%  above the monthly average.  Measurable rain fell on 20 days, which was 4 days above the average, and  wet days (when 1 millimetre (0.04 ins.), or more, of rain falls) numbered 19, which was  8 days above the average. The month started wet with 25.2 millimetres (0.99 ins.) on the 1st. This was the wettest day of the month, but in a very changeable first half of the month, further heavy rain occurred. Daily totals included 13.4 millimetres (0.53 ins.) on the 3rd, 11.4 millimetres (0.45 ins.) on the 4th, 12.2 millimetres (0.48 ins.) on the 8th, 21.2 millimetres (0.83 ins.)on the 12th and 13.4 millimetres (0.53 ins.) on the 14th.   Although pressure was generally higher during the third week of November, rain, heavy at times, continued to fall. On the 19th, there were 10.6 millimetres (0.42 ins.) of rain, but then no measurable rain fell for 6 days. However, on the 26th and 27th there were 12.2 millimetres (0.48 ins.) and 5.8 millimetres (0.23 ins.) of rain recorded respectively, and that was the last measurable rainfall of the month.  



Small hail fell in a shower mid-morning on the 10th.  



Lightning was observed to the south on the evening of the 9th, and a thunderstorm produced 4 rumbles mid-morning on the 10th.




There was no sleet or snow observed in this part of Shoreham. However, light sleet and snow occurred on the South Downs with a few flakes also falling in Steyning.




Apart from the occasional interlude of east to southeast winds ahead of Atlantic depressions, the month was very much dominated by winds from between southwest and northwest. The first part of the month,  especially, had some strong winds. At Shoreham Airport,  south to southeasterly winds increased during the 1st, gusting to 39 knots (45 mph) just before midnight. A further increase on the 2nd peaked at 54 knots (62 mph) in the early hours. The wind veered southwesterly and slowly decreased but backed southeast and increased to  34 knots (39 mph) early on the 4th.  However, southwesterly gusts on the afternoon of the 4th reached 41 knots (47 mph). Southwesterly gusts reached 31 knots (35 mph) early on the 6th. The 8th was windy with southwesterly gusts reaching 40 knots (46 mph) at midday. A brief respite was followed by a windy day on the 13th with  southwesterly gusts of 36 knots (41 mph) reported in the afternoon. The wind was slow to die down with 31 knots (35 mph) occurring early on the 14th.    The second half of the month was less stormy, although southwesterly winds gusted to 34 knots (39 mph) on the afternoon of the 19th.





There was no fog observed in this part of Shoreham.


Statistics for November 2023


Reporting Site Highest Temp Lowest Temp Rain Total (mm) Wettest Rain days
Shoreham A/P 15.4 -1.5 * * 19
Thorney Island 15.3 -2.3     20
Gatwick A/P 15.4 -3.5     19
Herstmonceux 14.9 -1.0     21
Bournemouth (Hurn) 15.2 -2.4     22
Middle Wallop 15.4 -2.9     20
Dieppe 16.0 2.9     24
  • Rainfall totals unreliable for all stations