Weather in Shoreham – April 2024

                                                             Cloudy and Wet


The average maximum temperature during April 2024 in Shoreham was 14.3 Celsius (58F), and that was close to the long-term average.  The  average minimum temperature was 7.6 Celsius (46F), and that was close to 1.5 Celsius (<3F) above the April normal. Only 1961, 2007 and 2018 appear to have had milder nights during April according to local records dating back to 1880.  

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 16.7 Celsius (62F) on both the 12th and 30th, but a further 4 days had maximum temperatures above 16.0 Celsius (61F). All of these milder days occurred before mid month. On most days (16), maximum temperatures ranged from 13 to 15 Celsius (55-59F), but there were 4 cooler days, with all of these occurring during the last 9 days of the month. On 3 occasions, the temperature failed to reach 12 Celsius (54F), with the lowest values,  of 11.7 and 11.1 Celsius (53 and 52F), occurring on the 24th and 26th respectively.   

The cloudy and breezy conditions that dominated the weather during April led to many mild nights. On the 6th, a minimum of 12.4 Celsius (54F) occurred, and a further 4 nights had minima above 10 Celsius (50F), including lows of 11.6 Celsius (53F) and 11.5 Celsius (53F) on the 5th and 11th respectively. All of these mildest nights occurred before the 13th. In fact, only 2 nights had minima below 8 Celsius (46F) before mid month, whereas after mid month only 1 night, the 29th, had a minimum temperature above 8 Celsius (46F). There were no particularly cold nights during April, although minima were below 4 Celsius (39F) on 5 occasions.  A low of 3.9 Celsius (39F) occurred on the 10th, and 3.4 Celsius (38F) was measured on both the 17th and 25th, but the lowest reading was 1.9 Celsius (36F) on  the 20th.   

The sea temperature slowly rose from 10 Celsius (50F) at the beginning of the month,  to between 11 and 12 Celsius (52-54F)  by the end of April.




There was no air frost during April, which was 1 frosty night below average.  Grass frost occurred on 4 nights, and that was 3 grass frosts below average. The 10th had a grass minimum of minus 1.1 Celsius (30F), with minus 1.7 Celsius (29F) recorded on both the 17th and 25th. The lowest grass temperature was minus 2.8 Celsius (27F) on the night of the 20th. 




Rainfall in April amounted to 58.6 millimetres (2.3 ins.),  which was around 50% above  the monthly average.   Measurable rain fell on 13 days, which was 5 days above the average, and  wet days (when 1 millimetre (0.04 ins.), or more, of rain falls) numbered 10, which was 6 days above the average. After a dry opening day of the month, rain began falling on the afternoon of the 2nd, with 14.2 millimetres (0.56 ins.) measured on the following morning. A further 5.8 millimetres (0.23 ins) fell on the 3rd, with 3.6 millimetres (0.14 ins.) and 3.8 millimetres (0.15 ins.) falling on the 4th and 8th respectively. Only 9 millimetres (0.35 ins.) of rain fell between the 9th and 24th, with the heaviest fall of 4.6 millimetres (0.18 ins.) occurring on the 15th. Even so, the sky was often cloudy. The last week of the month was wet for  a while, with 6 millimetres (0.24 ins.) falling on the 26th, and another 14.2 millimetres (0.56 ins.) on the 27th. No measurable rain fell on the last 3 days of the month. 



Small hail fell in a shower late in the afternoon  of the 15th, and briefly settled on the grass and garden. Shallow drifts remained against west-facing structures until after nightfall.  



Thunder was heard to the northeast mid to late afternoon on the 16th.




No sleet or snow was observed in this part of Shoreham.




Winds were predominantly from between southwest and northwest,  with winds from  easterly quadrants only accounting for 20% of the daily observations, with most of these winds occurring during the last week of April. It was quite breezy at times, but nothing too strong, except on the 15h. At  Shoreham Airport,  southwesterly winds gusted to 34 knots (39 mph) early in the afternoon on the 3rd,  with gusts again reaching 34 knots (39 mph) from the southwest early in the morning on the 4th. Southwesterly winds gusted to 31 knots (35 mph)  late in the evening on the 6th, but after a lull, the 9th was a breezy day with many gusts over 30 knots (34 mph) and a peak gust early in the morning of 39 knots (45 mph) from the southwest. The 15th was a particularly windy day with southwesterly gusts reaching 40 knots (46 mph) in the late morning, but no further gusts above 30 knots (34 mph) occurred during the remainder of April. 





Mist and fog occurred in the morning, and again in the evening, of the 11th.


Statistics for April 2024


Reporting Site Highest Temp Lowest Temp Rain Total (mm) Wettest Rain days
Shoreham A/P 16.3 0.4 63 14 18
Thorney Island 15.9 2.5     16
Gatwick A/P 19.3 -0.5     16
Herstmonceux 18.2 2.7     22
Bournemouth (Hurn) 17.8 -0.2     18
Middle Wallop 19.1 1.1     17
Dieppe 23.1 1.9 47 7 20
  • Rainfall totals unreliable for all stations