Weather in Shoreham -July 2024

                               Changeable and Rather Wet


The average maximum temperature during July 2024 in Shoreham was 22.0 Celsius (72F), and that was over 1 Celsius (2F) above the long-term average, but 1 degree Celsius (2F) below the average for the last 10 years. In fact, average  day-time temperatures this July were the 23rd highest since 1880. The average minimum temperature was 14.0 Celsius (57F), and that was less than 1 Celsius (<2F) below the July normal.    

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 30.8 Celsius (87F) on the 30th, but 29.7 Celsius (85F) was recorded on the 31st, with 27.9 Celsius (82F) occurring on the 29th. Only 2 other days had highs above 24 Celsius (75F). The 18th and 19th had highs of 25.9 and 26.1 Celsius (79F) respectively. Although many days (13) had maxima ranging from 20 to 23 Celsius (68-73F) , several cool days occurred, particularly early in July. On 10 occasions the temperature failed to reach 20 Celsius (68F), with 8 of the cool days occurring before mid-month. Only 3 days had maxima below 19 Celsius (66F). The 7th and 22nd both had highs of 18.8 Celsius (66F), but the maximum on the 25th was only 17.8 Celsius (64F).      

There were no particularly mild nights in July, but 18.1 Celsius (64F) was recorded on the 31st, with 17.2 Celsius (63F) occurring on the 21st, and 17.1 Celsius (63F) on the 30th. A further 6 nights had minima above 15 Celsius (59F), but the only fairly warm night before mid-month was the 10th with a low of 15.3 Celsius (60F). On most other nights the minimum temperature ranged from 12 to 15 Celsius (54-59F). There were 6 exceptions. Between the 11th and 15th there were 4 nights with minimum temperatures under 12 Celsius (54F). On the 27th a low of 11.7 Celsius (53F) occurred, but the only night with a minimum below 11 Celsius (52F) was the 8th,  when 10.3 Celsius (50F) was recorded.   

The sea temperature was mostly 19 Celsius (66F) throughout the month.




There were no frosts in July. The lowest grass temperature was 7.2 Celsius (45F) on the 8th. 




Rainfall in July amounted to 67.6 millimetres (2.66 ins.), which was around 35% above the monthly average. Measurable rain fell on 16 days, which was 6 days above the average, and wet days (when 1 millimetre (0.04 ins.), or more, of rain falls) numbered 10, which was 3 days above the average. After a dry opening day of the month, light rain and showers fell on the 2nd and 3rd. The 4th was dry,  but the 5th was a most unpleasant day with periods of rain and drizzle through most of the day. The heaviest rain occurred overnight with 14.6 millimetres (0.57 ins.) attributable to the 4th. On the 5th, a further 6.2 millimetres were measured. Rain or showers, interspersed  with brief sunny or clear intervals continued for the following week, A total of 8.0 millimetres (0.31 ins.) occurred on the 8th, but after the 9th amounts of rain were small.  The 13th and 14th were completely dry, but heavy rain on the evening of the 15th produced 19.2 millimetres (0.76 ins.), making it the wettest day of the month. No measurable rain fell between the 17th and 20th, and although a few changeable days followed, the only daily rainfall total above 1 millimetres (0.04 ins.) was the 5.2 millimetres (0.20 ins.)  that fell on the 25th. It was dry again between the 26th and 30th. In fact, the second half of July only received 8.8 millimetres (0.35 ins.), just 13% of the monthly total. 



No hail was observed in this part of Shoreham during the month.  



No thunderstorms were observed in this part of Shoreham during the month.




No sleet or snow was observed in Shoreham.




July was very much a southwesterly month with winds from that quadrant blowing on almost 80% of the days.  Other days were cyclonic or variable, but at the end of the month there were a few days when northeasterly winds dominated. Winds were mainly gentle or moderate, but quite strong at times during the first week.  At Shoreham Airport, southwesterly winds gusted to 33 knots (38 mph) late in the afternoon of the 4th and to 32 knots (37 mph) from a similar direction on the afternoon of the 5th. A westerly wind produced several gusts of 31 and 32 knots (35-36 mph) on the afternoon of the 6th, but no further gusts exceeded 30 knots (34 mph) during the remainder of the month. 





No fog was observed in this part of Shoreham during the month, although the 22nd was misty all day with low cloud capping the Downs at times.


Statistics for July 2024


Reporting Site Highest Temp Lowest Temp Rain Total (mm) Wettest Rain days
Shoreham A/P 29.5 7.8 65 18 14
Thorney Island 29.2 9.3 114 22 16
Gatwick A/P 31.6 6.7 122 25 12
Herstmonceux 30.8 8.9 109 23 15
Bournemouth (Hurn) 30.9 7.4 101 27 13
Middle Wallop 30.8 7.5 79 21 12
Dieppe 30.9 10.9 45 8 16
  • Rainfall totals unreliable for all English stations