Weather in Shoreham – September 2018

Dry, with some pleasantly warm days


The average maximum temperature during September 2018 in Shoreham was 19.1 Celsius (66F), and that was almost 1 degree Celsius (1.8F) above normal for the time of year. The average minimum temperature was 10.9 Celsius (52F), and that was  around 1 degree Celsius (1.8F) below the September normal.   

The highest temperature recorded during the month was 24.0 Celsius (75F) on the 3rd, but there were 10 other days with maxima above 20 Celsius (68F), including the first 2 days of the month, when highs exceeded 22 Celsius (72F). All of these warmer days were in the first 3 weeks of September, although a high of  20.0 Celsius (68F) occurred on the 27th. Many days had maxima between 18 and 20 Celsius (64-68F), in fact,  only the 12th, with a maximum of 15.7 Celsius (60F), was cooler during the first 20 days. The last 10 days of September cooled down somewhat, with 8 days having maxima below 18 Celsius (64F), including 2 days with highs below 15 Celsius (59F). The coolest day of the month was the 23rd with a top temperature of 13.7 Celsius (57F).

There were several fairly warm nights during September, and on 5 nights minima were above 17.0 Celsius (63F), including 4 consecutive nights commencing on the 17th. The warmest night was the 19th, and the minimum of 17.7 Celsius (64F) probably made it the warmest September night for 20 years.  There were only 3 other nights with minima above 13 Celsius (55F), and by way of contrast, many nights were distinctly chilly. There were 13 nights when the temperature fell below 10 Celsius (50F), including 7 out of the last 8 nights of the month. The coldest nights were during the last week of September with minima below 5 Celsius (41F) on 3 occasions. The coldest night was the 25th with a low of 3.7 Celsius (39F). 

The sea temperature was around 19 Celsius (66F) early in the month, falling steadily to 17 Celsius (63F) by the end of September.


There were no frosts during September, although the grass  temperature fell to 0.3 Celsius (32F) on the morning of the 25th.   


There were 29.4  millimetres (1.1 ins.) of rain during September and that was more than 40% below the monthly average. There were only 5 days of measurable rain, and that was 7 below the September normal. No measurable rain fell during the first 10 days of September. Rain fell on the 12th, with 1 millimetre (0.04 ins.) of the 1.8 millimetre (0.07 ins.) total falling before 0900 UTC and applicable to the 11th. Another week of no measurable rain was followed by rain on the evening of the 20th.  The rain lasted into the early hours of the 21st with some heavy bursts resulting in a total of 4.6 millimetres (0.2 ins.). Rain fell for much of the day on the 22nd and lasted well into the 23rd. The heaviest rain was generally in the overnight period and the total for the 22nd was 21.4 millimetres (0.8 ins.). The 1.6 millimetres (0.06 ins.) registered on the 23rd proved to be the last rain of the month with the last week of September staying dry and often sunny.


There was no hail observed in this part of Shoreham during September.


There was no thunder heard in this part of Shoreham during September.


The winds during September were light or gentle at first and again late in the month. The lighter winds were often from the northwest. Although the weather was anticyclonic for much of the month there were some brisk winds during the second week, with some fresh breezes towards the end of the third week and around the beginning of the fourth week. At  Shoreham Airport, a southwesterly breeze gusted to 30 knots (34 mph) in the early hours of the 11th, and it was a southwesterly wind that produced a gust of 36 knots (41 mph) on the morning of the 18th. On the 19th, a gust of 34 knots (39 mph) was measured during the afternoon. The early hours of the 21st were particularly windy with a gust of 42 knots (48 mph) occurring. The fresh or strong winds continued throughout the 21st, but a lull on the 22nd was followed by gusty north to northwesterly winds on the 23rd. A peak gust of 31 knots (35 mph) occurred early in the afternoon, and that was the last of the breezy weather during September.    


No fog was observed in central Shoreham during September although it was misty early on the 27th with fog reported at Shoreham Airport.

Statistics for September 2018

Reporting Station Highest Temp Lowest Temp Rain Total (mm) Wettest Rain days
Shoreham Airport 22.8 2.9 30 12 5
Thorney Island 23.4 3.4 35 14 7
Gatwick Airport 23.6 -0.1 43 16 10
Herstmonceux 23.1 3.9 42 17 10
Bournemouth (Hurn) 23.6 0.3 43 15 12
Middle Wallop 24.6 1.0 49 17 9
Dieppe 27.2 2.8 54 29 8