3-day F’cst

                      Morning                                                            Afternoon


12 / 09
11 / 08
10 / 09

Wind speed in knots (1,15 mph); high and low temperature
in degrees Celsius. 

Maximum Temperature runs from 0900-2100 UTC.

Minimum Temperature runs from 2100-0900 UTC (the following night).

Sometimes, when the temperature rises during the evening, the maximum temperature for the day can equal the minimum temperature for the night. 


Key to Symbols used in Forecasts
  Sunny. Little, if any, cloud.
Dry. Variable amounts of cloud and sunny periods. Generally more sun than cloud.
Dry. Variable, often large, amounts of thin high cloud. Periods of sunshine, but these weak at times.
Dry. Variable, sometimes large, amounts of mostly high cloud, but also some sunshine.
Dry. Large amounts of cloud, but also bright or sunny spells.
Large amounts of cloud, bright or sunny intervals. Small risk of rain/showers.
Large amounts of cloud but some sunshine. Risk of showers in the area.
Mainly dry. Rather cloudy. A few bright intervals but only limited amounts of sunshine.
Extensive misty low cloud but probably staying dry.
Dull and misty/hazy, perhaps a little drizzle or light rain.
Although aviation fog is defined as visibility below 1000 metres, for the purposes of this forecast, fog is defined as visibility of 200 metres or below. 
As above, but with the temperature sufficiently below freezing to allow ice accretion/hoar frost.
Mainly overcast with occasional rain and drizzle, but  some drier, brighter interludes.
Mostly cloudy with rain at times. Only limited brightness.
  Cloudy or dull, outbreaks of rain, heavy at times.
  Cloudy or dull, outbreaks of rain, heavy and thundery at times.
  Showers (typically 1-30 minute bursts of rain) but also intervals/spells of sunshine.
  Showers, perhaps heavy with hail. Low risk of thunder. Some sunshine between showers.
  Showers, some heavy with thunder (and perhaps hail). Sunshine between showers.
  Mostly cloudy or dull, occasional light snow.
  Mostly cloudy or dull with snow, perhaps moderate or heavy at times.
  Mostly cloudy or dull, occasional light sleet, rain and snow, or drizzle and snow.
  Mostly cloudy or dull with sleet (rain and snow), perhaps moderate or heavy at times.
  Showers, predominantly of snow, perhaps heavy at times. Some sunshine between the showers.
  Showers, predominantly of rain and snow (sleet), some sunshine between the showers.